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Theater Marquee Lights
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Alexandra Grizinski

CEO & Co-Founder

favorite movie quote:

"When it all goes quiest behind my eyes, I see everything that made me flying around in invisible pieces. When I look too har dit goes away. And when it all goes quiet, I see they are right here. I see that I'm a little piece of a big, big universe and that makes things right."
- Hushpuppy | Beasts of the Southern Wild

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Meet the Sharks


Jenny Beres

President & Co-Founder

favorite movie quote:

"I'm going to make him an 
offer he can't refuse."

- Don Vito Corleone | The GodFather

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Sarah Parsons


favorite movie quote:

"I don't know, I'm making this
up as I go."

- Indiana Jones | Raiders of the Lost Ark

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Theater Marquee Lights

Nicholas Rollins

Director of Video Production

favorite movie quote:

"Be afraid, be very afraid."
- The Fly

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Malia Dickinson

Producer, Asst. Editor

favorite movie quote:

"I am one with the Force and the
Force is with me"

- Chirrut | Rogue One

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